Key Account Manager, Germany

Interior design/ tech – Commercial Market Strategy – Execution

The Company

MuteBox is a Danish design company based in Vejle providing high-quality meeting rooms and phone booths for open office spaces. We design sustainable, flexible, and space-saving solutions focusing on acoustic optimization and employee satisfaction.

As we continue to expand our operations into new markets, we are seeking a driven and visionary Key Account Manager to spearhead our entry into Northern Germany. If you thrive on building something from scratch, fostering relationships, and driving growth, this is an exciting opportunity for you to make a significant impact.

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Sales Manager with solid seafood trading track-record

International seafood B2B experience – Commercial development – Trading

Responsible for growing existing business and gaining profitable new business with targeted accounts. The position is responsible for market penetration with existing product portfolio as well as launching new seafood concepts in a way that supports the facility and growth initiatives in efforts to meet annual budget commitments.

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Finance Manager, Sector Asphalt

About the company NCC Industry Denmark

NCC Industry is a vital part of the construction and civil engineering sector in Denmark and has excellent relationships and reputation in the market. Employing approx. 675 skilled and dedicated people and projecting turnover of more than 1,5 billion DKK generated from both private and public segments in Denmark.

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Senior Supply Chain Manager for Vega Salmon

The Company

Vega Salmon was established in 2004. Back then, the fish processing industry was mostly competing on price, and cost cutting was the name of the game. Quality, food safety and sustainability were buzzwords, which seldom made it to the cooling disks, as price concerns dominated.

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Einkaufsmanager/Purchasing Manager (Verpackungen)

Vega Salmon ist ein weltweit führender Produzent von Lachsspezialitäten in höchster Qualität. Der Lachs wird sowohl frisch als auch als TK – Ware, geräuchert und mariniert verkauft.

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Chief Procurement Officer – CPO



Philipson Wine ApS blev ud af passion for vin stiftet af vinhandler Christian Philipson, og er i dag en ung, dynamisk virksomhed, der siden 2002 har etableret sig som dominerende online vinhandler i norden og førende importør og distributør af kvalitetsvine fra hele verden.

Beliggende med administration og lager/produktion i Kokkedal, eneimportør af en række af de største vinbrands i verdenen, beskæftiger Philipson Wine i dag ca. 50 ansatte. Virksomheden er 6 gange udnævnt til Børsen Gazelle.

ALR Consulting søger nu, for Philipson Wine ApS, en solid indkøbs- og logistik profil ideelt set med erfaring fra større grossist/trader virksomhed, som vil sikre udvikling og optimering af det nuværende set-up blandt andet gennem digitalisering og automatisering af workflows, processer og strukturer.

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Customer Development & Product Manager – CASC

Strategisk B2B salg indenfor CASC området (coatings-addditives-sealing-construction) for en af verdens stærkeste aktører indenfor kemiske produkter og råvarer til industrien.


Industrielle løsninger med den rette kemi

Caldic i Danmark består af to selskaber: Caldic Denmark A/S, som sælger farmaceutiske og kemiske råstoffer, og Caldic Ingredients Denmark, som sælger og producerer fødevareingredienser.

Caldic Denmark er distributør af industrielle kemikalier. Vi trækker på mange års erfaring og knowhow, og vi servicerer en meget bred vifte af kunder og markeder med essentielle produkter til farve/lak, plastik, gummi, personal care og farmaceutisk industri. Vi er en pålidelig leverandør af almindelige kemikalier, men vi leverer også specialkemikalier. I tæt samarbejde med vores kunder udvikler vi skræddersyede løsninger, der matcher specifikke, og ofte meget unikke behov for formuleringer, emballage, produktion og opbevaring.

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Erfaren researcher – med partner potentiale

Synes du, det er interessant at gøre tingene lidt anderledes for kunderne?

ALR Consulting oplever en stigende tilgang af nye opgaver, og derfor søger vi en erfaren researcher, som har evnerne og lysten til at servicere kunderne som opgave/leveranceansvarlig på rekrutteringer.

Siden etableringen i 2018 har ALR Consulting manifesteret sig i rekrutteringsbranchen indenfor executive search og search and selection af nøglespecialister, mellemledere og direktører i mange forskellige brancher og industrier.

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Quality Manager Nordics BMI Group

About the group

BMI Group is the leader in roofing and waterproofing solutions for pitched and flat roofing systems throughout Europe, and has a significant presence in Asia and South Africa. It is part of Standard Industries, a global, diversified holding company with interest in building materials, aggregates, and related investment businesses in public equities and real estate. BMI Group is headquartered in London with further offices in Herlev (Denmark) and Oberursel (Germany) and employs around 11,000 people in over 40 countries worldwide.

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Country Manager NCC Industry Denmark

About the group

NCC is one of the leading construction companies in the Nordics. Based on its expertise in managing complex construction processes, NCC contributes to a positive impact of construction for its customers and society. Operations include commercial property development, building and infrastructure project contracting, and asphalt and stone materials production. In 2020, NCC had sales of SEK 54 bn and 14,500 employees. The NCC shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm.

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